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Amorea, The Lost Lover

Or The Idea of Love and Misfortune. Being Poems, Sonets, Songs, Odes, Pastoral, Elegies, Lyrick Poems, and Epigrams. Never before printed. Written by Pathericke Jenkin

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To his Dear Brother, on his Amorea.
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To his Dear Brother, on his Amorea.

Is't true, I have a Poet-Brother, who
Hath seen Mouut Hellicon at twenty two,
Been bred up with the Muses, and hath quase
Of the Pierian Fount a liberal draught,
In Agganippe Well hath dip'd his Quill,
And fetch'd his paper from Parnassus hill;
'Tis true, I have; and had he been another,
(But 'Ile forbear because he is my Brother)
I'de speak his praiss, for thus much I do know,
His Works will shew it, more then I can do.
Jo. Jenkin.