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Nocturnall Lucubrations

or, Meditations Divine and Morall. Whereunto are added Epigrams and Epitaphs: written by Rob: Chamberlain

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To his well beloved friend, Mr Robert Chamberlain, the Author, in praise of his following Poems.

The wisest of Philosophers conclude,
Best Contemplations spring from solitude:
And wanting outward objects, the minds eye
Sees cleerest into every mysterie.
Scipio's last life, in's Villa spake him man
More than his conquest of tho Affrican.
So are the seasons helpers unto Art;
And Time to industry applyes each part.

These thou hast made the subjects of thy Layes;
And they for praising them, returne thee praise.
So that to praise agen would shew to be
But repetition, and Tautologie.
And thine own works allow thee better note
Than any friends suspected partiall vote.
Thomas Nabbes.