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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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George VVhetstones gentleman in the authors commendation.
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George VVhetstones gentleman in the authors commendation.

Rare is the worke, that liketh euery mynde,
when sundry mindes, on sundry iudgments feede:
In flowers fooles (like Spyders) poyson finde:
The wise (as Bees) win hony from a weede.
Euen so of bookes (in print that clothed are)
The most of them, most sortes of men peruse,
And of suche sortes, some sortes of them prepare
With skillesse scoffes, the writers to abuse:
No force for that: the foe himselfe doth hit
That checkes a worke, which he can not amend:
Then sure my frend (this needfull booke that writ)
Small needes to feare the frumps that fooles do lend.
For why? his paines, yeeldes fruites of suche emprise,
As hym commendes, and doth content the wise.
Formæ nulla fides.