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The Quenes Matie complante of a mysordered comon weale.

Wthin thie warpe of this thie woful twyne,
that yu entendes (my Randolphe!) to renewe
in forraigne forme, first begwyne wth myne,
nowe dryven to drinke as I did brewe:
Inwrape my woos wthin thie carefull clewe,
That, when the recorde is spred every where,
the state of my comber first may appere.
for, seinge the prest to pen as a president,
that may I Imparte the Scotyshe fall of peres,
and rest as a recorde to be residente
wthin thie contempt of thie silent eares,
I presse forthe first because thy ex[p]ert yeres
Dailie attendent may truelie reveale
a whole dyscourse how I did prevale.


I presse not forthe amongest the rewfull thronge
of those that in this wretched realme have bie,
whom vnfriendlie fortune have overthrowen,
nor yet complayne I of much myserye,
that ever impecht my Royal dignitie,
ne yett is there cause whie repyne I shold,
for all thinges Succeded my will as I wold.
I onelie complaine of the myserable state,
that this dysorder in my weale have wrought;
where no redresse in tyme cold dilate
the extreme wronge that Rigor had tought;
I ever did deme, the Rokes once vprought
that resisted my will, I might purchase peace,
and reconcile the rest wth frendlie grace.
ffor, whollie affected wth th'affyaunce of will—
a mist of error that princes do blinde,
I wrested such lawes as might my weale spill,
rather then ruled as wisdome assynde;
I mysliked such meanes as Impugned my mynde,
Ledd wth th'affection, th'onlie springe and Roote,
that all godlie Goverment clerelie wroutethe owte.
This enraged some in Armes to concurre,
that felt my force as after thou shalte heare;
This enforced some wth Silence to demur,
that durst not doo that I bad forbeare;
This procured some wth dread to reteare
vnto my trayne, that vnwillinge (God knows)
in my assistaunce there fayth did repose.
Th'unsure faythe that mystrust procures,
Th'unconstant trades that dowbtes do reteane
appales franke hartes wth treacherous desyres,


that no frendlie brest may them susteane;
in or mysorder this appeared playne,
whereto a while yf thou wilt give eare,
a whole discourse hereof you shall heare.
I hold It nedles to bragg of my birthe,
by Loyall dascent endowed a Quene;
my ffather doth wyttnes it even to his death,
who in this weale most noblie did reigne,
and that halffe a Gwyssian by birth I bene,
and howe the Frenshe Kinge in marag did endowe
me wth Royall right, a madlie wydowe.
But I cold bost of bewtie wth the best
in Skilfull poinctes of princelie attire,
and of the golden gwiftes of natures behest,
who filed my face of favor freshe and fayre:
my bewtie shynes like Phebus in the ayre,
and nature formed my feater beside
in such proport as advanseth my pride.
Thus fame affatethe my state to the stares,
enfeoft wth the gwyftes of nature devise,
that soundes the retreat to others princes eares
whollie to resigne me the chefest price:
but what doth it avale to vant in this wyse?
for as the sowre sent the swete tast do spill,
So are the good gwyftes corrupted wth ill.
Merke, Randolphe, heare, for nowe I begwyne:
This was the brere that blotted my browe,
muffled affection wth will for to wyne
that wisdome forbade me oft for to doo;
for as the stronge dothe make the weake bowe,
So did my will owtrestle my wytte,
wthowt the restreant of a sensuall byte.


my ffather in Fawklande yelded his brethe,
who warelie did wealde this comon weale wth gaine;
my goodyer in Flowdon was drawen to his death,
by the dynt of a sworde of thie contremen;
my mother Quene Governor of the Gwyssian name,
who wth civill warrs this weale did awast,
in Edenbrugh castle she breathed her last.
nowe ryffe report dothe brute all abroode,
that I am a Gwyssian by the sewrer syde,
rather given whollie to weld wth the sworde,
then worke that wisdome have firmelie affied,
or vse advise wth reason alyed,
that peace propoundeth to purchase me praise,
then to persever in theis Rigorus wayes.
But, ledd wth affection affyed wth trust,
first I begonne to wedd as I wold
suche one as I demed wold serve my Lust,
rather then might my weale well vpholde,
whose tender yeres of counsaile was colde,
for, prowde of the pray of princelie estate,
where I gave the cheke was redye to mate.
Then my court encreast wth costlie recourse,
recountinge the pleasures of youthfull desires,
and wanton delight of effemynate force,
that staned wth love there lustie attyres;
for everie man, wounded wth Venus desires,
was whollie addict to courtlie resyance,
where they resigned there whole affyance.
I hardened my ears against suche advise,
as tendered my state to advaunce my weale;
and welded it wth welth suppressing suche vice
as wrathefull awardement wth wrong did conceale;


Suche there advicement I wold not reveale;
I reteaned suche counsaile as wold not Invay,
but, as a fytt instrewment prest to my pray,
ffytlie affirmed what I liked best,
in Rigor, in rage, in right or in wronge,
Like subtell foxes, for there behest
allured my ears vnto there sugred songe;
but in this league I Lyngred to Long:
The hye sprynginge floudes may not ay abide,
but as Tyme apointeth they torne wth the tide.
O pleasinge bayte, yu faire fyled tonge!
O craftie crocodile wth feaned face!
O Subtell Syren wth sugred songe!
O treacherous hart wth flateringe grace!
O counsaile corrupt wth craftie encrease!
O poyson apparent, that danger do bringe
in everye age like the Scorphion stinge!
O cursed advice that tendes to no weale,
but for private pray oppressethe the poore!
O sugred Synon, that so do reveale
thie forged speche vnto thie willinge eare!
O froward wytt that will not forbeare
to Lysten vnto there duble advyse,
that dothe interrupt eche good enterprise!
This brede the broile that stirde vs to stryffe;
for those that ever tendered my state
cold not abide to see this myscheffe;
as I pretended to rule in this rate,
they ever attendant my wealth did awayte:
but, muffled with the myst of Ignorance,
I did mystake there faythfull affyaunce;


wch caused Envye, the Rancor of right,
wth fowle pretence to Invade my dome:
So did Revenge, the sparke of dispight,
that kindlethe the minde against right or wrong.
Thus was I provoked rashelie to Ronne
to Seke to Subyect all to the sword,
that Impugned my will or resisted my worde.
ffirst, th'erle of Murray I hoisted to the horne,
and divers that were partakers wth hym
I deninced them rebells for ever forlorne,
and there retenewe that durst deale therein:
I debarde intercessors intreatinge for hym:
no meane might serve this Quarrell to debayte;
so muche was enflamed my Rigor and hate.
The more ye stope streames the higher they flowe,
the hastie blastes do oft revive flame;
The more ye Lope trees the higher they growe;
so It appeared by his mightie trayne
assembled wth force against me to reigne:
The more I sought to seperate those
the more they clustred on heapes wth my foos.
Then raged I of newe and not wthowt cause,
by reason I cold not rule as I list;
I ordened Decrees, and proscrybed theis lawes
that all men in armes shold me assyst;
and so wth the sworde to clere vpe the myst
I waged Sowldgiers to wrastle therein
that I my porpose more easylie might wyne.
Theis were enduced wth Murray to Rone,
affyinge there faythe to further his force;
Duke Shateleraut, next heire to the crowne,


whose Lynyall discente I leave to discourse;
Th'erle of Argile, whose might I dred worce,
abandoned wth the bloody Iryshe crewe,
that who so they take they helples downe hewe.
This savage kinde they knowe no lawe of armes;
they make not warrs, as others do, a play;
they deale not death by the dredfull harmes;
yeld or not yeld who so they take they slea.
they save no prysonners for Ransome nor for pay;
they hold It hopeles of thie bodye dead,
except they see hym cut shorter by the heade.
Off there complice was th'erle of Glencarne,
Th'erle of Rothose and L. Ogletree,
Pretcor and Grange and many Arme in Arme,
Rone as assistars in there confederacye:
Boide and Pretarroo did thereto agree,
and sundrye mo was of there consente
to further there purpose as they were bente.
The dread of no Enemy cold me appaile,
nor yett no travell Endaunte my entent,
I mustred my men in Armes to assale;
to practise my porpose as I was bente:
wth bloody pretence forwarde I wente;
No evell Successe of others mens harmes,
inexpert thereof, cold me forwarne.
howe can the blinde forejudge what is prest,
or tred the dowbtfull stepinge vnseen?
howe can the deaffe reyoce wth eche gest,
or take delight in the nightingales tune?
how can th'unwise wth wisdome preseume?
Those that bluntlie runs may Light in the breres,
and put to thir plunge where no dangere apperes.


The Lyttle birde do warne vs bewayre
that flickereth oft from tree to tree,
mystrustinge eche bushe for dread of the snare;
The movse shones the bayte that pleaseth ye eye,
Dreadinge the trape endaunger to dye:
Thes showes what harmes often do lye
in suche sewgred bate as deceyveth the Eye.
Warre is a welfayre to th'inexperte;
I dreaded no daunger of death to ensewe;
No Reason might my Rigor reverte,
but thristie of blood I did them pursewe;
ffrom place to place I sought them of newe:
No stormy blastes cold make me retyre;
no daunger of death cold dread my desire.
The amased lewsarde wth the fotemans feare
from the wandringe gadlinge hastetes a mayne,
that by no compulsion will ells retyre,
but, tried by the trode of her bendinge trayne,
wth ferefull stinge she tornethe agayne:
oft hastie porsewers do happen suche hape,
as may Judge the cause by thafter clape.
I rested not to rone owt this race:
there slender forces durst not abide:
for, as the wolffe with Ravenynge grace
The sillie shepe do Scater aside,
I chast them still, wth Rigor alyed,
but they pretended to puplishe this polycie,
in eschewinge my force to attrye my Tirannye.
In Glasco towne I entrenched my bandes,
and they in Paselee not far dystant from thence,
where erelie on the morrowe, west by the sandes,
they gave me Larum wth warlicke pretence:
we were in Armes, but they were gone thence;


to the ffeldes we marcht in Battell array,
expectinge or foos, but they were awaye.
Th'erle of Leonox I ordaned generall,
In whom consisted the confidence I had;
I gave hym charge and made hym cheffe of all,
but th'erle of Morton was discontent thereat:
the contencion ryse to have the vangarde:
A creditt oblysht by his amycitree
to wch request I wold not agree.
The mr Maxwell, somewhat moved wth ruthe,
as It appeared, to reconcile my meane,
on his knees entreated me to hear suche truthe
as his report cold iustlie maynteyne:
his teares appeared to be forged of payne,
whose dowble dealinge did after disclose
th'unconstant faith that trechers propose.
He humblie entreated he might retorne,
pretendinge thereby to color his craft;
who, semynge vnwillinge to deale in this action,
I Lycensed whom frelie to departe:
he ran to my foos to maynteyne that parte,
where he betrothed his vnsure trust;
to whom also after he appeared vnjust.
when fame had brought that the Lles were gone
to Edenbrough towne to wage men of warre,
to supplie there force and make them more stronge
of expert trayns to Joyne in this Jarre,
I hasted forwarde to Interrupt them there;
but by the way I harde they were gone
from Edenbroughe, and had clene left the towne.
They fled to the frontyers to further there force,
I rased my campe and retyred my bandes


Into the ffythe, where wthowt remorse
I rested there goodes and disposed there landes;
I reatened there forfetures in my owne handes;
Suche as I suspect of there consent
or favored there porpose in prison I pent.
and some that had Incurred my blame
by worde, or wronge, or other like meane,
for redye coigne I compounded with them,
that I might better my soulgiers maynteyne:
Th'unwonted charge that I did susteane
was thus considered, in everie Dome,
To Surpasse the yerelie revenewe of my crowne.
All this effect, even as I wolde,
Th'uneasfull Travell that I did susteane
bad me retyre whereas I sholde
rest for a space, to devyse what meane
I might procure most hurtfull for them:
contented herewth, wth my whole trayne
To Hollyrowd house I retorned againe.
The Secrete dryftes of there pretensed myndes,
The whole recounte of theis procedinges past,
The great redowbtes that by such meanes we finde
consideratelie weighed and depelie forecast,
we puplisht decrees and proclaimed in hast
that all or forces shold assemble on a day
in payn of deathe to assist vs in or way.
The tyme was come when that eche man might see
the barraigne ffeldes wth Armed men oresprede;
The gredye spoiles where suche a trayne had bee
made manye a teare wth rufull Eye be shede;
we marched forwarde or foos to Invade,
wth Eger thrist to put them to flight,
and seke there deathes that sought to dash or dryft.


Amidde wch rowte yf thow thie selffe had bene,
and seen howe I my matters did contryve,
thou woldest have reckened me the lustyest Quene
that ever Europe fostred heare to Live;
Yea if Tomiris her selffe had bene alive,
who dreaded great hostes wth her tyrannie,
cold not shewe her selffe more valiant then I.
a Sodaine brute was blowen all abrode
that they had Support of th'englishemen;
I Somewhat appaled at that comon worde,
fordreadinge the daunger that I might Susteane,
and this was mystrusted of my whole trayne:
the brutyshe sort are oft glade to heare
of suche vane reportes as delighteth the eare.
we came to Domfreis to attempt or might,
but all was in vane: or foos were awaie:
there was none there that wold vs resiste,
nor yett affirme that I did gainesaye:
the Mr Maxwell appealed that day
vnto my favor, whom I did remytte:
Loo! heare th'abvse of a dissembling wytt.
They, vnable to abide or resist my myght,
entred perforce into th'inglishe pale;
in Carlele they all were constrayned to Light,
where the L. Scrowpe entreated them all,
and th'erle of Bedforde, Leiventen[e]nte generall
of th'inglishe northe, whose fervent affection
I ever dreaded to deale in this action.
whose noble hart, enflamed wth ruthe
to see theis Lls thus driven to dystresse,


sought the meanes he cold to advance the truthe,
and God forgive me yf I do Judge amysse,
that thou thie selffe was perciall in this:
what racke? Randolphe, thou thie selffe knowes
I retorned a victore wthowt any blowes.
Theis Lyngrynge broiles by past and forworne,
wth suche Successe as I nede not repyne,
Theis troblesome broiles clene overbloen,
the mystes gan clere vpe and eke the sone shyne:
I Injoyed my will and all was myne;
then I resolved to reforme myne vnrest
wth suche delightes as I liked best,
Whereas I sawe oft wth my Rewfull Eye;
ffor God endewed me wth naturall Ingyne
To liberallie, that eche man might see
howe theis goodlie gwyftes in me did shyne:
as well as the wisest I cold those defyne,
albeit I was Led wth muffled affection
and evell advise to stirre in this action.
The myserable state this mysorder wrought
wth wofull wracke in this my comon weale
I sawe, where oft resorted to my thought
the sowre myshapes that discorde doth reveale,
where devyded myndes may nothinge conceale;
but owtbraythinge Envye, debayte, and stryffe
entendes nothinge ells but civill myscheffe.
The morall sentence of good regymente:
Happie is the realme well governed,
and is free from th'ambycious consente;
where gainefull spoiles are not desired,
nor wth painefull toiles the headie overcharged;
but dewe mynystracion of everie charge,
dewlie executed by suche as be sage,


Enforceth me oft nowe for to Repyne,
recountinge this Sentence in my Silent brayne.
A tochestone is this where I cold defyne
the want of those that once did maynteyne
my publicke weale, while I did reigne
ffree from eche care that now dothe appeare,
and dailie complaintes enforceth me to heare.
My restles mewse forweryed with this
can nowe adiudge the great Inconvenyence,
and howe necessarie a good counsailor is,
that can determyne with learned experience,
I have bought to Deare to knowe what difference
is ever apparant where wise magistrates regne,
and what retchles Successe the blind dotes maynteyne.
The tender youthe to Scence whole Imploide
accomptes knowledge evell wone wth there labor;
The wounded man wch must the greffe abide
of steaching vpe or searinge of the soore,
Th'onlie meane his health to restoore,
Impacyentlie repuynynge to Suffer this smarte,
as all to bad reproves the Sorgyons arte.
But as the pacyentes greffe and scolers paine
cause them deme bad suche as sewre be best,
so want of wisdome causeth vs complaine
of everie hape whereby we seme opprest;
The pore do pyne for pelffe, the rytch for rest,
and when th'extremes of such do vs assaile,
we curse or fayte: or fortune we bewaile.
I wishe my skill wold permytt my desyre
to frame my tale wth suche mete Eloquence,
as my Devoire in this might aspier
to argewe in causes most fyttyst for a prince;
for I can say Somewhat of experyence,


what oft is accident in that vnstable stay
where th'unadvysed runs wilfullie astray.
Randolphe, Randolphe, It is fyttest for a prince,
and suche as have the regymentes of realmes,
there Subyectes hartes wth mildnes to convynce,
and iustice mixt avoydinge all extremes;
ffor like as Phebus wth his cherefull beames
Do freshlie force the flagrant flowres to floryshe,
so rulers mildnes Subyectes love do noryshe.
Nowe hast thou harde the hole of my vnhape—
my chance, my change, the cause of all my cares;
and thou hast harde howe fortune doth me wrape
wth world at will to wyne me to her sknare;
But I do dread this warnes me to be wayre
of greater trobles nowe Lycklie to ensewe,
that may enforce me to complaine of newe.