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The French Historie

That is; A lamentable Discourse of three of the chiefe, and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. Namelie; 1 The outrage called The winning of S. Iames his Streete, 1557. 2 The constant Martirdome of Annas Burgeus one of the K. Councell, 1559. 3 The bloodie Marriage of Margaret Sister to Charles the 9. Anno 1572. Published by A. D. [i.e. Anne Dowrich]

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To the Reader that is frendlie to Poetrie.
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To the Reader that is frendlie to Poetrie.

VVhat so thou be that readst my Booke,
Let wit so weigh my will;
That due regard maie here supplie
The want of learned Skill.
A: D: