University of Virginia Library


The Authour.

Wyth that the wounded Prince departed quite,
From sight he slinckte, I saw his shade no more,
But Morpheus bade remember this to write,
And therewithall presented mee before,
A wight wet dropping from the waters shore
In Princely weede, but like a warlike man,
And thus mee thought his story he began.


Mvsing on these thinges I cal'd to my minde
In historyes what I of Troia read,
And what of Brutus I in bookes did finde
Likewise I cast, and counted in my head.
I found that Albanact stoode mee in stead.
For why, Sicilians right this noble man
Calles Lestrygons, as they were named than.
Lestrygo was, perdy, Neptunus sonne,
To whom his father gaue that noble Ile:
And of his name the people there did wonne.
The writers false abus'd vs then long while,
Which set vs downe of Leogece an Ile,
So neere Italia strandes was placed than,
To which Lord Brutus came, that noble man.
Of Lestrygon that Ilande first tooke name,
As Albanact hath well recited heere.
But of king Humber see what nowe became,
Which after him next haplesse did appeare
With Armoure wet, as drencht hee lately were,
So downe his greaues the water tricklinges ran,
While hee this wise his woefull tale began.