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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken
5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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[MS. Trinity Coll. Camb. R. 3. 21, leaf 274.]

Hic sequitur Oracio dominica per dominum Johannem Lydegate translata.


Oure glorious ffadyr þat art in heuen,
Kepe vs þy chyldre þat þow has wrought,
Graunt vs these petycions seuen,
As thy son taught þat hath vs bought,


Thy name be halowyd in all oure thought,
The fende confusyd with all hys wylys,
Thy Image we been, forsake vs nought,
O Pater noster qui es in celis!


Thy kyngdom, Fadyr, late come tyll vs,
That we had lost þorough dedely synne,
But now thy son, oure Lord Ihesus,
Hath brokyn þe prysoun þat we were ynne,
The dyse were cast, þow dydyst vs wynne,
The fende confoundyd with all his wyles,
Let come þy kyngdom, we ben þy kynne,
Pater noster qui es in celis.


As þy wyll, Fadyr, ys done aboue,
So here in erthe þy wyll be done,
Make clene oure hertes, set þere þy loue,
For without þy helpe oure labour ys none;
Teche vs thy wyll or grace be gone,
The fende confusyd with all his wyles,
And with thy mercy graunt vs pardone
Pater noster qui es in celis!


Oure dayly brede yeue vs thys day,
Bothe bodyly and gostly sustenaunce,
Ellys we shull fayle here in þys way
But yef þou make som purueaunce,
Of gostly foode sende vs habundaunce,
The fende confusyd with all his wyles,
And erthely frutys aftyr þy plesaunce,
O Pater noster qui es in celis!


Also, good Fadyr, foryeue oure dettys
To all oure dettors as we foryeue,
Oure gostly sauour somtyme hit lettys,
When other be temptyd vs for to greue.
To bere hyt esyly þow can vs releue,
The fende confusyd with all hys wyles,
Helpe vs þy chyldre of Adam & Eue,
O Pater noster qui es in celis.



Suffre vs nat fall in-to temptacion,
Whether hit com of flesshe or fende,
Kepe vs from all foule delectacion,
For bytternes ys euer þe last ende,—
Yeue vs now grace oure lyfe to amende,
The fende confusyd with all his wyles,
And neuer þy goodnes more to offende,
O Pater noster qui es in celis.


And whateuer offence ys done before
In þought, worde, dede, or countenaunce,
For þe furst day þat we were bore,
We aske now grace of repentaunce,
And here to performe oure dew penaunce,
Kepyng oure wyttes and þy hestes ten,
And gracious Fadyr take no vengeaunce,
Sed libera nos a malo.