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For, Ile Stabbe ye. By S. R. [i.e. Samuel Rowlands]

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VVicked Magistrates.

Nobles and Iudges, mightie men on Earth,
That carelesse cast the sword of Iustice by:
And let your pleasures surfeit in their myrth,
Not lending poore mens Plaints, eare, hand, nor eye:
Suff'ring the Iust vuiustly be opprest,
When the oppressor liues at ease and rest.
Forgetting God, whom you should represent,
In all the actions of your publique place:
Yeelding the world your hartes, with full consent,
To gather Mammon, hoording wealth apace.
You that nere thinke your selues must once appeere
To giue account how you haue Iudged heere:
Ile Stabbe yee.