Loves leprosie (1842) | ||
Of all the Gods aboue
I did honour loue,
Loue his dietie;
Nothing might me mooue,
For I did approue
Loue his pietie.
I did loue,
He did proue
Nothing myght my loue remoue.
He did proue
I did loue,
Witnesse this the Gods aboue.
I did honour loue,
Loue his dietie;
Nothing might me mooue,
For I did approue
Loue his pietie.
I did loue,
He did proue
Nothing myght my loue remoue.
He did proue
I did loue,
Witnesse this the Gods aboue.
He did not respect mee,
But he did reiect mee
In his royaltie;
He did not affect mee,
But he did suspect mee
Of disloyaltie:
No respect
Did reiect
Mee in this his royaltie;
No affect
Did suspect
Mee for no disloyaltie.
But he did reiect mee
In his royaltie;
He did not affect mee,
But he did suspect mee
Of disloyaltie:
No respect
Did reiect
Mee in this his royaltie;
No affect
Did suspect
Mee for no disloyaltie.
I the fielde did leaue,
And mine armes bequeath
To the loue queene.
To my brow did cleaue
Venus myrtill wreath;
There was loue seene.
I did leaue
And bequeath,
Myne armour for a myrtill wreath;
Myrtle wreathe
Purchast leaue,
To my temples fast to cleaue.
And mine armes bequeath
To the loue queene.
To my brow did cleaue
Venus myrtill wreath;
There was loue seene.
I did leaue
And bequeath,
Myne armour for a myrtill wreath;
Myrtle wreathe
Purchast leaue,
To my temples fast to cleaue.
The boy that was so blinde,
Showed himselfe vnkinde
To mine amours:
Playning to the winde
I no ease coulde finde
To my clamours.
He was blinde
And vnkynde,
So vnconstant was his minde,
As the winde,
So vnkinde,
Ease for loue I could not finde.
Showed himselfe vnkinde
To mine amours:
Playning to the winde
I no ease coulde finde
To my clamours.
He was blinde
And vnkynde,
So vnconstant was his minde,
As the winde,
So vnkinde,
Ease for loue I could not finde.
Now I doe repent mee,
Now I do lament mee,
But alas! too late.
Gentle hart relent thee,
Though thou must content thee
With thy froward fate.
Hart content thee,
Hart relent thee,
Since Polyxen was vntrue,
I lament mee,
And repent mee;
Loue and women both adew.
Now I do lament mee,
But alas! too late.
Though thou must content thee
With thy froward fate.
Hart content thee,
Hart relent thee,
Since Polyxen was vntrue,
I lament mee,
And repent mee;
Loue and women both adew.
Tam Veneri quam Marti, mortuus Achilles.
Loves leprosie (1842) | ||