University of Virginia Library




Quhen halie kirk first flurist in ȝouthheid,
Prelatis wer chosin of all perfectioun;
Off conscience than the brydill had to leid,
And conscience maid the hale electioun.
Syn eftir þat come schrewit correctioun,
And thocht þat conscience had our large ane weid,
And of his habite out cuttit thay ane skreid.
And fra conscience þe con thay clip away,
And maid of conscience science and na mair;
Bot ȝit the kirk stude weill full mony day,
For it wes rewlit be mene of wit and layre.
Syn eftir þat sciens began to payr,
And thocht at sciens was our lang ane iaip.
The sci away fast can thay rub and scraip.
And fra sci of science wes adew,
Than left þai nocht bot this sillab ens,
Quhilk in our language signifies þat schrew,
Riches and geir, þat gart all grace go hens;
For sciens both and faythfull conscience
So corruptit ar with this warldis gude
That falset ioukis in everie clerkis hude.
O hungrie ens, cursit with caris calde!
All kynd of folk constrenis thow to wirk:
For the that theif Iudas his maister sald,
For the Symon infectit halie kirk.
To poysoun Iustis þow dois never irk.
Thow fals ens, go hens, thow monsture peralous!
God send defens with conscience in till ws.
Finis quod bischop douglas of dunkelden etc.