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A Reuelation of the true Minerua

The effect of this booke. Who on earth be gods: and by what meanes mortall men may bee made immortall [by Thomas Blenerhasset]

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The Pilgrimes post scrip.

The Pilgrimes post scrip.

Euermore my Muse shall magnifie thy name
Most gracious, most right renowned dame
Nowe that I knowe thy due deserued fame:
most mightie prince the meanes thou hast made
that all the world doth knowe
howe vertue like a sea doth flowe
in thee, and howe thou doest forslake
the bitter bent of cruell Cupides bowe,
free fro the force of fancies flashing flame,
Most gratious, most right renowned dame
Nowe that I knowe thy due deserued fame,
Euermore my Muse shall magnifie thy name:
first with thy wit who can compare,
thy vertuous inclination
is knowne to euery nation,
thy learning and thy gifts most rare

make perfite declaration
nature thy equall neuer yet did frame.
Nowe that I knowe thy due deserued fame
Euermore my Muse shall magnifie thy name,
Most gracious, most right renowned dame.
Your Maiesties poore pilgrime, Thomas Blener Hasset.