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Deliverance from a fitt of ffainting.
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Deliverance from a fitt of ffainting.

Worthy art Thou, O Lord of praise!
But ah! it's not in me;
My sinking heart I pray thee raise,
So shall I giue it Thee.
My life as Spider's webb's cutt off,
Thvs fainting haue I said,
And liueing man no more shall see,
But bee in silence layd.
My feblee Spirit thou didst reviue,
My Doubting thou didst chide,
And tho: as dead mad'st me aliue,
I here a while might 'bide.
Why should I liue but to thy Praise?
My life is hid with Thee;
O Lord, no longer bee my Dayes,
Then I may frvitfull bee.