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“Who are these boys and girls on horseback
Who go by next day,
The horses loaded for camping,
No guides to lead the way?
Girls Olympian white
Or painted to the eyes,
Innocently wicked,
Innocently wise;
Innocently impudent,
Innocently gay—
Boys who are Young America,
Scholars, lean and white,


Or athletes red and gay,
Proud young man America,
Well on its way,
Girls most bewitching,
Boys most untamed,
Hotly praised and preached at; hotly, very hotly blamed.
Who are these? What is their aim?
What is now their game?
What is their spiritual name?”

The Answer

“This is a chosen people,
This is a separate race,
Speaking an alien tongue—
These are the darlings of my heart,
These are the young.”