University of Virginia Library



On hearing her sing the air, from Blue Beard, of “When pensive I thought on my love.”

When torn from the arms of her swain,
In circles of splendour to move,
Sweet Fatima thus would complain,
As pensive she thought on her love.
A palace for her had no charms,
Unshared by the youth she adored;
But press'd in her lov'd Selim's arms,
A cottage true bliss could afford.


Then should fickle Fortune ordain,
Your Selim from hence to remove,
Will you, while you warble that strain,
Bestow a fond thought on your love?
Some seraph will waft me the sound,
And whisper the joy to my heart;
Though absence must cruelly wound,
I'll listen, forgetting its smart.
Then grant that such joy I may find,
Should fate ever tear me from thee;
For me let the strain be design'd—
Be Fatima only to me.