University of Virginia Library

Dr. Longfellow's New Prescription Commended to Himself


The attribution of this poem is uncertain.

Make you a gargle of claret,
Medoc'll do, and don't spare it;
If some should slip through
You needn't look blue
You'll soon be able to bear it.
Doctor Anacreon tried it,
And only milksops deride it;
Just put it to vote
Of palate and throat,
They'll swear the Knaves belied it.


'Twould make the heart of King Og swell
Pray try it on Doctor Cogswell,
As the gust on't slips
To his heart from's lips,
'Twill oil his pinions and cogs well.
As for your salt and your vinegar,
Such puckery, rasp-you-skinny gargles
are not fit
For people of wit,
Hardly, I vow, for a free-nigger!
No one should laugh but the winner
and I don't, as I'm a sinner,
For my throat's so bad
I'm not to be had,
Though Horace ask me to dinner.