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Calmstorm, the reformer

A Dramatic Comment

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—A street. Calmstorm and Waning, walking.
How thin the streets are of their usual throng!

The world's an hour behind its time this morning;
For yesterday was festival, one of the few,
And after holidays men lie in bed,


Nursing the precious ache that pleasure breeds,
And dreaming back again the day gone by.

They gather at a point about the court,
Perhaps, and leave the outer city bare.
Mine eye is keen enough, and clear enough the sky,
That I could pierce this visible blue, e'en now,
And see the Great Ruler on his throne—
There is a smile upon his front that makes heaven dizzy.

O yes, the court may have its listeners!
The idle multitude has ears that flap
With joy, like the wild elephant's, hearkening
To that concerns it not.

Concerns it not! O, say not so, dear Waning,
For in the issue of this day there lives
Or dies the hope of thousands.

One good man's peace is worth the idle toil
Of the blind millions; whosoever fights
That they may live at ease, battles the air
At large, and buys a blank, of worthlessness

You speak, I know, more from the prompting
Of a timeless meal, miscombing of your hair
To-day, or the chance stumbling 'gainst a stool,
That vexed your blood, than under judgment
In its best session at a seasonable hour:
Your heart lives in the heart of those around you,
And beats with theirs in all its better pulses
As does mine. You see, as now we near the court,
How they pour in! A blessing on their cheerful brows!
Entering the Court, officers oppose them at the door.
What mean you, fellow? I am Calmstorm,
Counsel for the man within!

Give us way,


My good friend, and let us pass. Easily,
If you please.

[They pass in.
1st Officer.
If that big one is surly, inside there,
As with us, old Darkledge will put out his fire
In half a twinkling. Stand off there, men, the court
Will be along in half a minute—stand back!

2d Officer.
Get nearer to the door, John, that we may have
A left ear a-piece, within, to listen with
When the case opens.

[They move in.