University of Virginia Library




Goddess of the playful mien!
Goddess of the pleasant scene!
Of Innocence and Peace the friend,
Obedient to my call attend!
Come, from care and languor free,
Make thy blest abode with me!
Grant me all thy magic power
To beguile the dreary hour;
For thou canst blunt misfortune's fangs,
And cheat e'en anguish of its pangs;
Then come, from care and languor free,
Make thy blest abode with me!
Powerful Goddess steel my heart,
Firm t' encounter Envy's dart.
In fortune's smiles or frowns the same,
If free from all deserved blame.
Then come, &c.


Heightener of Prosperity!
Soother of Adversity!
Thou canst bless alike all hours,
And make every pleasure ours;
Then come, &c.
Come, ever welcome to my heart,
Come, and from it ne'er depart;
Since every station thou canst bless,
With peace, if not with happiness:
Come, &c.
If flowers and fragrance are not found,
In every path of life's dull round;
Yet with the buds and blossoms crowned
We tread as on enchanted ground.
Then come, &c.
Should Heaven not grant my ev'ry claim,
A thousand blessings still remain;
And with thy aid, I yet may find
Large comforts in an active mind.
Come then, &c.


Living, I'll confess thy power,
And love thee e'en in life's last hour;
When Death, dread conqueror, shall invade,
And every charm of life shall fade,
Smiling, his entrance may I see,
Upheld by Innocence and thee!
Come, then, from care and languor free,
Ever make thy home with me!