University of Virginia Library



“We cannot see earth's cruel eyes
When ours are lifted to the skies.”
Elizabeth Barrett.

Sad memento of a story
Sorrowful as death and love—
Mystic symbol of a glory
Brightening all the worlds above!
From the holy ensign borrow,
When thy soul is sad and lorn,
Solace in that mortal sorrow
By the immortal spirit borne;


Fairer through life's cross and passion
Shall its aureola burn—
To a loftier resurrection
From its lingering sorrow turn.
Bind the symbol on thy bosom;
From the sharp and cruel thorn,
Rays of mystic glory blossom,
Of that lingering sorrow borne.
When thy lonely heart is dreaming
Of a love on earth unfound,
Think upon the love redeeming—
On the soul with sorrow crowned.
In lone Gethsemánes kneeling—
By the loved of earth betrayed—
Drink the bitter cup of healing,
Wait the morning undismayed.


Bear, in holy resignation,
On thy heart the mystic rood—
Fill with heavenly contemplation
Earth's dim garden-solitude.
Thus the solemn calm, enzoning
Life's wild tumult, shall be thine;
And thy trust in love atoning
Lift thee to the life divine.