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One twilight hour,—well, long ago,
Some Katydids—
Yes, Katydids—
Assembled in the linden row,
'Mid buzzing things of many kinds,
To ease their puzzled little minds,
Just Katydids?
Yes, Katydids.
Then one most gravely raised his head,
And to his nimble comrades said:
“Now, brothers, in this peaceful spot,
We'll see if Katy did or not.
Let us take up the case with zest,
Decide the point, then let it rest.
No frank opinion need be hid;
And, as for me, I think she did.”
Convincing argument ensued,
Though none would willingly be rude.
Each an opinion firm expressed,
In strong yet simple language dressed:
“Katy did!”
“Katy didn't!”
“Katy did!”
“Katy didn't!”


We threw our summer casement wide;
Nothing we saw (how well they hide!)
But softly through the listening night
Still came those arguments polite:
“Katy did!”
“Katy didn't!”
“Katy did!”
“Katy! didn't!”
We felt through all the tumult fine
That sounding order: “Comrades mine
Let each be heard. Speak freely, friends!
Debate, when honest, never ends.
No frank opinion need be hid;
And, as for me, I think she did.”
Soft sighed the breeze, and starlight grew;
Our lighted casement blinked, we knew;
And still we smiled, and let it in—
That softly shrill, persistent din;
That undertone: “Speak freely, friends!
Debate, when honest, never ends.”
Ah! was it so?
Not girls? O-h! Oh!
Not boys? Well, no!
But Katydids—
Just Katydids!