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Where the spring-flower peeps,
With dew diadem crown'd,
And the little rill creeps,
With its silvery sound;
Where the young grass appears,
And the white lambs play,
And the child of few years
Delights to stray;
Where song-birds are fluttering,
With notes sweet and clear,
Soft voices seem uttering,
God is here!
When the storm-spirit springs
From the dark northern caves,
And spreads his wild wings
O'er the land and the waves;


When the forests bow down
As he passes by;
When, afraid of his frown,
The billows fly;
When thunders are uttering
Their voices of fear,
Deep echoes seem muttering,
God is here!
Where the rough mountain glows
In the summer sun sheen,
Or the clear river flows
Through its valley of green;
Where the healthful breeze
Waves the pliant grain,
Or sports with the trees
Along the plain;
Where cattle are lowing,
And flocks sporting near,
Each soft sound is echoing,
God is here!
Where the hurricane raves
Round the rock's shatter'd crest,
And the pine foliage waves
Round the strong eagle's nest;
Where, with joyous leap
And stunning sound,
Down the fearful steep
Wild waters bound;
Dread spirits supernal,
With voices of fear,
Are shouting eternally,
God is here!


The young beautiful heart,
In its innocent mirth,
Ere it learneth the art
Or the sorrow of earth;
When light from above
Bathes the buds of hope,
And the blooms of love
Untarnished ope;
Sees earth all loveliness,
All hearts sincere,
And cries in its blessedness,
God is here!
To the soul that has known
Every sorrow and ill,
That is joyless and lone,
Stricken, blighted, and chill;
That sees joy a shade,
And all earth's flowers
Frail things that will fade
In stormy hours;
Sweetly the voice of grace
Sounds in that ear,
Come to the hiding-place,
God is here!
The spirit that feels
All its errors forgiven,
To which Jesus reveals
The pure glories of heaven;
Though it feels the warm glow
Of life depart,
And the blood creep slow
Through the bursting heart;


Even in that agony,
Knoweth no fear,
But crieth exultingly,
God is here!