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Nightfall in Winter.

Gray shadows drape the heavens, fold on fold;
In densest clouds the sun conceals his light;
Loud sweeps the wind, two edged with frosty cold,
Blinding the window panes ere shut of night.
Even the early lamps of yonder town
Refuse to shine; but with a nebulous glow
Too faint for cheer, as the wild night shuts down,
And all the air is full of whirling snow.
Vainly the eye would trace the beaten road,
Even the river, once so glad and bright,
Runs silent, underneath its deadening load;
Yet does it flow though hidden from our sight;
This thought shall help us, when the bitter gale
Raves round the windows of our fire-lit room,
And dumb and desolate lie wood and vale;
Courage! for earth shall wake to song and bloom,
Youthful and joyous, from its winter tomb!