University of Virginia Library


They came and brought the Rechabites, who dwelt in tents of old,
To chambers dark with tapestry, and cunning work and gold;
And set before them pots of wine, and cups than mantled high,
But when they tempted them to drink, they answered fearlessly,
And said: “Our father Jonadab, the son of Rechab, spake,
Commanding us to drink no wine forever, for his sake;
And therefore we will taste not of the cup you bring us now,
For our children's children to the end shall keep our father's vow.”
And the Lord who heard the Rechabites, and loves a faithful heart,
Pronounced a blessing on their tribe that never shall depart.
Thus we will taste not of the wine, and though the streams should dry,
Yet the living God who made us will hear his children cry;
For Moses smote the solid rock, and lo! a fountain smiled,
And Hagar in the wilderness drew water for her child;


And the beautiful and innocent of all earth's living things
Drink nothing but the crystal wave that gushes from her springs;
The birds that feed upon the hills, seek where the fountains burst,
And the hart beside the water brooks, stoops down to slake his thirst;
The herb that feels the summer rain on the mountain smiles anew,
And the blossoms with their golden cups drink only of the dew;
And we will drink the clear cold stream, and taste of naught beside,
And He who blessed the Rechabites, the Lord will be our guide.