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'TWAS early one morning, when Flora serene,
Spread over the meadows her carpet of green,
Not a murmur was heard, in the lawn or the grove,
While Simon and Sophy were singing of love.
They tun'd their two jewsharps to lays so refin'd,
Such melody floated on whispering wind,
That Battenkiln-river suspended his current,
And listen'd an hour and an half I dare warrant.



Yonder tiny insect ranging,
Flits about on filmy wing,
Fickle Sophy, ever changing,
Is exactly such a thing.
Were not Simon doom'd to love her,
Such is Cupid's odd decree,
Thrice the sense he would discover,
Forging setters for a flea.


Simon, well I might compare ye,
Since you alter every hour,
To a humming-bird, so airy,
That is wooing every flower.
But I never will be fretting
For so volatile a chap,
Sure I might as well be setting
For a butterfly my cap.



Simon t'other day advancing,
Found Miss Sophy not so coy,
Then his heart, with rapture dancing,
Kindled to a feu-de-joye.
Then with little Cupid aiding,
Simon bounc'd into her arms;
Now her elbow barricading,
Guards her paradise of charms.


Yes, and after all this rapture,
You must wait on Kitty Brag,
Kitty told me how you snapp'd her
When she offer'd you the bag.


Give me, likewise, leave to tell ye
What I saw the other day,
Simon at the feet of Nelly,
Whining at a sorry lay.


Oh, my Sophy! smile propitious,
And a ray of hope impart;
Nor, by conduct so capricious,
Drive a sled-stake through my heart.


But the heart that's so affected
Is a hollow thing at best,
Emblem true I've long suspected,
Of an empty hornet's nest.


While I'm pining to a splinter,
Can my dear enjoy the sight,
With a heart as cold as winter,
In a bosom full as white?



Go, to passion fall a martyr,
And tomorrow let me see,
Simon dangling by a garter
Hang on yonder white-oak tree.


Where yon ivy, oak-entwining
Overhangs the dimpled lake,
There I saw you once, reclining,
Mantled by the grove opaque.
Then you melted to my wishes,
And your love I well repaid
By two pretty wooden dishes,
And a sap-trough neatly made.


Where yon grape-vine wanton winding
Twines a slender poplar-tree,
There a romping huzzy finding
You forgot your love for me.


But you kneel'd to one Miss Kitty,
And her true love did repay
By two earthen bowls, so pretty,
And a genteel wooden tray.


Tell me now, my pretty Sophy,
How that rakish fellow, Ned,
Ever boasting of the trophy,
Came by lady's garter red?
Sure it must have been a droll hit,
And the lad was lucky too;
Can you tell me how he stole it?
Did the thing belong to you?


Gentle Simon cease your flouting,
Nor in wicked scandal deal.
Tricks we find each other out in,
Sure 'twere better to conceal.


Since we both have play'd the truant,
As to both is too well known,
I will rove no more if you won't,
But be ever your's alone.


Yonder hoary sky-capp'd mountain
Shall be seated in the lake,
Battenkiln shall seek its fountain,
Ere my Sophy I forsake.


Trouts shall browse on highest spruces,
Otter-Creek shall turn to wine,
Nettles spring up flower-de-luces,
If I am not ever thine.

Quorum stupefactæ carmine lynces.

Requierunt flumina cursus.

Varium et mutabile semper Femina.

Donec gratus eram tibi,
Nec quisquam potior brachia candidæ
Cervici juvenis dabat
Persarum vigui rege beatior.

“To give the bag” is an expression common with the lower classes in New England, and indicates that Miss Delia will not honour Mr. Damon with her company in a tete-a-tete conversation.

Quid si prisca redit Venus, &c.

Name of a river in Vermont.

In other words, “Tecum vivere amem, tecum obcam libens.”