University of Virginia Library



Little wicked I
Once the Almighty's power did deny:
“Thou art from everlasting, that is longer,
But I am of to-day, and Youth is stronger.
Thine are the viewless depths of Night and Day;
This corner's mine, and I will have my way.”
Little foolish I
Once on my own fool-wisdom would rely:
“The prayers and prophecies are grand, no doubt,
But I this problem have well reasoned out;
I apprehend Creation at a glance,
And take my time to flit and flirt, and dance.”
Little puzzled I
Review my fooleries, and ask God why?
Why these sad, silly antics didst permit?
Why did I waste my seasons and my wit?
“To Me thy young rebellious heart did say:
‘This corner's mine, and I will have my way!’”