University of Virginia Library



The sunrise over the houses!
The beautiful rose of dawn
Reddening the eastern windows,—
The curtains of Night withdrawn!
More lovely than boughs in blossom
The spires and the roof-trees glow.
It is day; and, in God awaking,
Shall the spirit unfold and grow.
On the city, in chrismal splendor,
The blessing of morning falls:—
The Bride coming down out of heaven!—
The pearl-gates, the jasper walls!
The white light enters the casement
Like the wings of the Holy Dove;
And every house is a flower,
A blossom of peace and love.
The sunrise is fair on the gardens,
The groves and the forests afar;


But fairer the trees of manhood,
Of the heavenly planting are.
And wide are the green savannas
That under the dawn unroll;
But broader the landscape opens
In the sunrise of a soul!
The footsteps of morning hasten
Across yonder populous space,
And the dwellings of men are illumined
With the glory of God's own face.
Who can guess the power of His coming?
He will banish doubt and despair;
The life of His Spirit will kindle
And stir in the sleepers there.
Behold the Day Star ascending!
See the hour of His triumph begin!
The sunrise over the houses!
And the Christ-light shining in!