University of Virginia Library



We wandered off from Father Sun,
The silv'ry Moon and I:
A sep'rate kingdom we've begun,
Out in the distant sky.
I dressed myself in green array,
She dressed in silv'ry white;
I kept the watch throughout the day,
She watched throughout the night.
Although we claimed our royalty
We feared our father's frown,
Until he, in his majesty,
Presented us a crown.
It was a wreath of shining stars;
From nebulæ 'twas spun,
Suggested by my brother Mars,
And polished by the sun.
Upon the moon he has bestowed
His blessings long ago;
To me he gave a veil of cloud,
And handkerchief of snow.


A lightning arrow placed he here,
A seven-colored bow,
That as we fly we need not fear,
But triumph as we go.
Within our hands a little wand,
Irresistible as air;
We touch the meteoric strand
And cause a shower there.
But arm in arm we keep our course,
Just as it we've begun;
Till soon we'll fly back to that source
From whence we came—the sun.