University of Virginia Library

Application Ratio Increases

The State University of New York
(SUNY) had the largest number of
applications-6.29—for each available
place in the entering class. The University
was second with 4.48 applications per

The survey indicated that nationally,
the number of admissions applications to
first-year classes showed the smallest
increase in 10 years—only 1.37 per cent
higher than last year.

The University received 1,115
applications, or 14 per cent, more than it
received last year. SUNY, Rutgers,
Cornell, and Ohio State were the only
four universities reporting larger
numerical increases.

Only the University of Vermont had a
larger increase in out-of-state
applications. It reported an increase of
1,025 applications, compared with 914 at
the University.

The NASULGC survey reported that
Colorado State and North Carolina State
were the only two schools to decrease
their first year class size by a
larger percentage than the University's
7.49 per cent.