University of Virginia Library

King Memorial

The Martin Luther King Memorial
Fund, established at the University shortly after
Mr. King's death in 1968, is presently providing
more than $9,800 in financial aid to 12
students at the University.

Created by contributions from faculty,
students, alumni and friends and matched by
the University with private funds, the King
Fund was originally intended for undergraduate
financial aid and special programs for low
income students.

However, "the drastic reductions in
fellowship funds from federal and foundation
sources for graduate study convinced the Ad
Hoc Committee on Educational Opportunity
which administers the fund to approve the use
of the money for graduate fellowships." said
William A. Elwood, assistant to the president
for special programs.

With the exception of an undergraduate
who needed funds to attend summer school,
the recipients are all entering graduate students
who may receive up to $1,500-matched if
possible by their respective departments or