University of Virginia Library

Salary Study

The twin studies on salary offers
resulting from campus recruiting
are conducted each year by the
Council, the non-profit
international organization which
provides various services for
colleges and employers to assist
students in their career planning
and employment. Data for the
men's study cover actual offers
made by business and industrial
firms as reported by 140
representative colleges and
universities from coast to coast.
Information for the women's study
is reported by types of positions.
Additionally, the women's study
covers government employment
while the men's study does not.

While college recruiting activity
dropped significantly in the last
two years beginning salary rates had
continued to advance during
1969-70 at a pace only slightly
slower than in the previous decade.
This past year, however, the impact
of fewer jobs being available
became apparent. The cooling trend
extended to dollar averages as well
as to volume in the men's study and
certain areas of the women's study.