University of Virginia Library


Mr. Cain said that these grievances have
come up at various times in the past year, and
have been presented to the University officials

Unofficial sources noted yesterday that the
list of grievances was not the official position of
the Black Student Alliance, but an independent

Referring to the list of grievances, Mr.
Elwood stated that "when discussions continue,
that will be the agenda. We're going to begin
discussing these twelve points in terms of what
has been done, and what is being done now."
From this basis, Mr. Elwood added, discussion
will center on further action to be taken.

Although Mr. Shannon was unavailable for
comment, and D. Alan Williams, Vice-President
for Student Affairs, refused to add a statement
on the presentation of grievances. Mr. Elwood
stated that "a good number" of the grievances
have been worked on in the past and are being
worked on now. In support of his statement,
Mr. Elwood referred to the December, 1970,
issue of the President's Report to the University


Willie Ivey

Council Member Presents Grievances