University of Virginia Library

Investigation Requested

The complaint before the Governing board
specifically deals with a violation of open rush
regulations. Gordon Gilbert, a member of the
President's Committee of Fraternities, has been
requested by the Board to investigate the

The hearing is to be held at 6:30 p.m. in the
IFC room in Newcomb Hall. Those directly
involved are invited to attend.


Photo by Lovelace Cook

Man's best friend has gone over to the other side!

Ah, but who can blame him for wanting to keep more attractive company?

In other actions arising from Openings
weekend incidents, Frank Blake of the Student
Stadium Committee reported that all flags,
banners, posters and pennants are to be banned
from Scott Stadium during athletic events, and
presumably from all other athletic events at the

The ban was decided upon after an incident
at Saturday's football game during which
several black students asked that a Confederate
flag be put away, because it was offensive to
black players on the field and people in the
stands. A tense situation developed and one of
the ushers hired by the Athletic Department
called in several city policemen attending the