University of Virginia Library

Leave Of Absence

Mr. Graham was granted a one-year leave of
absence next year for study abroad. At this
time, however, Mr. Graham is not sure whether
he will be able to afford a full year in Britain,
and so he may only take off the Spring

Professors on leaves of absence are given one
semester at full salary or a year at half-salary.

Mr. Graham was reappointed by the Board
of Visitors to a five-year term as associate dean.
He said yesterday that he expects to resume his
deanship upon his return and that Mr. Diehl
will also remain in his post.

Mr. Mallett submitted his letter of
resignation, which was accepted, about two
weeks ago. He was reappointed as associate
dean for five years by the Board of Visitors at
its meeting in March, but Mr. Mallett declined
the appointment.