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Student Tudor

Mr. Thomas then said that he fell that
student tutors would be learning new material
from tutoring the course.

Mr. Harris then stated that the program
raised "fundamental issues in educational
policy of the first magnitude" and asked for a
quorum call. A quorum was lacking at the
meeting and the faculty then was forced
to adjourn by parliamentary procedure.

Two motions by Robert Morgan of the
Government Department were not presented to
the faculty because of the adjournment. The
two motions dealt with pass/fail options.

The first motion read that "a failing grade
earned in any course taken under the Pass-Fail
Option shall be recorded on the student's
transcript as 'F.' The Registrar is authorized to
adopt a suitable means of distinguishing such
grades from those used to compute grade point

According to David Shannon, Dean of the
College Faculty, a student failing a course taken
on a pass/fail basis presently receives an "audit"
on his transcript and receives no credit hours
for the course.

Mr. Shannon explained that this was
necessary because the Registrar would
otherwise have no way of determining the
difference between a course failed on a regular
basis and a course failed on a pass/fail basis.

The former failing grade is computed into
the student's grade point average while the
latter is not.


Robert Harris

Professor Of Government

Mr. Morgan's second motion requested the
faculty's Committee on Educational Policy and
Curriculum to "reconsider the question
whether grades assigned under the 'Pass-Fail
Option' ought to be included in the
computation of students' grade point averages
and if the number of hours which can be
offered for graduation under this option ought
to be reduced from the present number of 24.