University of Virginia Library

Suggestions Appreciated

"The committee would appreciate
suggestions from anyone concerning names for
nomination and the nomination itself," said Mr.
Levenson, "We're looking from within and
without the University for a nominee who can
do everything. Right now we're speaking with
the Deans and other faculty members about the
purpose of such a position - what the job is
and what it will be in the future."

The members of the committee were given
as W. Lester S. Andrews, Chemistry
Department; Daniel J. Meador, Law School;
W.H. Muller, Jr., Medical School; John L.
Sullivan, Speech and Theatrical Arts; John E.
Scott, Jr., Aerospace Dynamics and secretary of
the committee; W.H. Sihler, Business
Administration; and Elaenore C. Westhead,
Education School.

"The Provost's position," stated Mr.
Levenson, "involves promotion of educational
efforts at the University, both instructional and

Directly responsible to the Office of
Sponsored Research, the Center of Advanced
Studies, and the Library, the Provost also serves
as the Dean of the School of General Studies.
He has a hand in almost every aspect of
academics at the University.


Frank L. Hereford

Retiring Provost Of The University

"The Provost holds the foremost
professional position in the teaching element of
the University. He is the Dean of Deans,"
mused Mr. Levenson. "He is in no way directly
involved in student affairs but every academic
proposal or curriculum change he makes affects
students in some way."