University of Virginia Library

Two Man Race

Mr. Garland discounted the candidacy of
Mr. Rawlings, who had predicted in his own
speech at the University last week that the
election would be a two-man race between Mr.
Byrd and himself.

The Republican nominee also discounted
press reports during the campaign which have
minimized his chances of winning. He said,
"There is a trend in Virginia today, a
deep-seated feeling of repudiation of Sen. Byrd
and a rejection of Mr. Rawlings' liberalism. The
press will be the last to know it."

"The moderate Democrats will hold the key
in November," Mr. Garland stated. "For them,
Byrd is too reactionary, and Rawlings is too far
left. It is these people who will turn to me, and
their swing vote will carry the election."

Mr. Garland traced the modern history of
the Republican Party in Virginia, showing that
even in its worst year since 1952 it drew 38 per
cent. This "bedrock" Republican vote, along
with about 50,000 moderate Democrat and
black votes, will win the election.