University of Virginia Library

Diehl Resolution

Fred Diehl of the Department of Biology
then introduced his resolution calling for the
admission of student observers to be seated in
reserved sections at the plenary meetings.

Ralph Eisenberg, who chaired the
Committee on the Presence of Students at
Faculty Meetings, then explained why the
majority of his committee did not include this
measure in their proposals. First of all, Mr.
Eisenberg argued that student observers would
not really give any positive input or impact to
faculty meetings.

Mr. Eisenberg also noted that the faculty has
already permitted student members of faculty
committees and two representatives of the
Student Council to attend and to speak at the
general meetings. He felt that if the faculty
allowed student observers to attend meetings,
but not to have a voice, they would be more
frustrated than ever.

In the eyes of the majority of the
committee, effective representation of students'
interests was fulfilled by the members of the
student press and other students that already