University of Virginia Library

No Commitment

Before the motion was accepted, Charles
Majors asked whether the Council was contracted
to meet at any set time. Once everyone was
assured that the Council had no such
commitment, the motion passed easily.

The Council also asked that the Calendar
and Scheduling Committee waive the service
charge for the Student Legal Forum's use of
University Hall for Senator George McGovern's
speech Friday night.

Apparently, there is an automatic $400
charge for using University Hall, over and above
the actual expenses. The money collected is
used to pay off an amortization bond on the
hall. The Council reasoned that since all
students pay a set amount out of their
comprehensive fee, there should be no charge
for student groups using the hall for non-profit

In other action involving speakers, the
Council agreed to underwrite at least partially
the cost of a trip by Ralph Abernathy to the
University on Saturday, October 18.