University of Virginia Library

Grapple With Prejudices

Miss Scott is willing, even anxious, to
grapple with prejudices within the different
factions of the University.

Concerning the predominantly male student
body, Miss Scott feels that "Some of the
students feel threatened. Many students came
to the University because of its traditions, one
of those being all-maleness. Now I'm
sympathetic to a point, but this tradition
should be done away with when it means a
denial certain individuals' rights."

During the interview, Miss Scott sported
very casual attire. This led to a discussion of the
coat-and-tie tradition. "I don't see that dress is
especially relevant to what's happening in your
head." She expressed approval of those
students who have rejected the customary garbs
and turned instead to what she labels "more
comfortable clothes - bells and loose shirts."