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Final Registration

There will also be a meeting of
all foreign students at 5:30 in the
Graduate Lounge of Newcomb
Hall, and at 10 all counselors will
conduct corridor meetings.

Tomorrow all new, transfer, or
readmitted students will complete
their final registration. In their
preliminary registration on
Tuesday, these students received
special time cards for final registration.
Each student should report to
Memorial Gymnasium at the time
printed on his card. He will then be
sent into the gym for an allotted
time, during which he will arrange a
final schedule and sign his name to
various class lists.

For most undergraduates this
registration will take place in the
morning, while most new and
returning graduate students will
register in the afternoon. Medical
students will register today, however,
at 4 p.m.

Friday is the culmination of all
this activity, as classes begin.

At Activities Night, beginning
Friday at 8, entering students can
learn about the various activities
and organizations around the
Grounds. Representatives of each
group will be present at tables they
have set up to talk with interested

A true picture of the University,
though, will only come when the
first-year man learns his way
around the Grounds.