University of Virginia Library

Overflow Crowd

An over-capacity crowd filled
the auditorium as the procession
made its way to the front section of
seats. Following the invocation
President Shannon addressed the
gathering. He opened his remarks
by saying "Thomas Jefferson was a
revolutionary." There was strong
applause. Mr. Shannon was quick to

add that Mr. Jefferson's revolutionary
spirit "was not from fervid
emotionalism but from a disciplined
mind." There was at this time
even more applause.

Continuing, the President turned
to the subject of student dissidents.
He referred to "a minority which
seems dedicated to the destruction
of society - beginning with the
universities - a campaign for
chaos." Mr. Shannon asserted that
"rudeness and vulgarity may not be
allowed to supplant reason."

The main speaker, the honorable
Esmond Wright, a member of the
British Parliament, spoke on problems
of the contemporary university
in Britain, France, and Germany
as related to Thomas Jefferson's
concept of a university.