University of Virginia Library


The President has regularly reminded deans and
administrators, beginning with a special called meeting in
1965, that adequate efforts must be made in all divisions
of the University to prevent any discriminatory practices
and to provide all possible employment and promotional
opportunities for applicants and employees without
regard to race, color, or national origin.

Also beginning in 1965, the University established a
procedure by which employees alleging discrimination
were authorized to consult directly with the director of
personnel, who would investigate such complaints
personally and report results directly to the President.
Complaints were few, and no action at the President's
level was necessary.

In 1968 a special training program for disadvantaged
employees was established, and three "Equal Opportunity
Officers" established in different locations in the
University to consult with persons who had complaints
related to discrimination, to report their findings to the
director of personnel (who would still be directly
available for initial complaints'.)

The director would report to the President cases in
which the complainant was not satisfied with the decision
of the director.

President Shannon has also made a conscious effort to
prevent discrimination, according to the Office of
University Relations. He has made a number of public
addresses, such as to 81 guidance counselors from Virginia
schools who were invited to the University to discuss
mutual concerns for the culturally disadvantaged.

The President also spoke at the State Convention of
the NAACP which was held at the University on October
20. He told the delegates that the University wanted to
give an education to the young, "to give them the start in
life that was denied their elders in the society from which
we are now emerging."