University of Virginia Library

"Best Interests"

"It is in the best interests," he
added, "of the fraternities not to
abuse this opportunity. It is even
more clear that it is much more in
the interest of the fraternities to
avoid abuses than it is for the
dormitories. Of course, the
University would be able to
withdraw this opportunity for due

Mr. Hayes also looked at the
benefits of such a rule to
fraternities in his letter to the
Committee on Fraternities. "It
would increase the authority of the
IFC and help it to better lead and
regulate the fraternities. It would
make the houses more attractive to
live in, and help to make the
fraternities more aware of their

The two motions will appear on
the agenda for approval by the
Board of Visitors this weekend or
will be presented for the
consideration of President

Mr. Hayes, commenting on
the Visitors, said, "It is a simple
consideration of the first motion by
matter for the Board of Visitors to
consider this along with the
dormitory proposals, especially
since it has already been considered
by the Committee on Fraternities.