University of Virginia Library

Nixon Catches Up

Mr. Franklin said that by the
end of Wednesday, the first day of
balloting, Hubert Humphrey was
leading Mr. Nixon by a slight
margin. But, he said, the ballot
boxes for McKim, Rouss Hall and
Emmett House were not counted
until yesterday, and they put
Mr. Nixon into the lead.

The mock election was
sponsored by the University Young
Republicans, Young Democrats,
and the University Union.

In a similar election at
Washington and Lee University.
Richard Nixon received 59.7 per
cent of the vote compared with
24.5 per cent for Hubert
Humphrey. The Wallace-LeMay
ticket trailed with 6.6 per cent.

An editorial in last Friday's
Ring-Tum Phi, the student
newspaper, began: "For many of us
this will be our first opportunity to
vote in a national presidential
election and frankly, we are

"If we felt we could endorse
either Humphrey or Nixon, we
would. Choose if you can. We
can't," the editorial concluded.

The Cavalier Daily endorsed
Hubert Humphrey and Edmund
Muskie for president and vice
president on Tuesday.