University of Virginia Library

Shannon's Reply

President answered on May 7
that he had asked the Student
Council and the University Union
to co-operate in providing a
non-discriminatory date housing
list. He also noted that all scholarships
were state funds and
therefore could not be administered
in a discriminatory fashion.

He also pointed out that "The
University is continuing to search
for black or Negro men and
women qualified for positions on
the faculty or staff who could be
effective both in recruiting black
and Negro students and in counselling
them." In addition, he
said "I believe we are successful
in at least one case," noting that
such a person could also help
lower the University's attrition

He said he hoped this would
help fulfill the "mission of graduating
increased numbers of
black or Negro students to assume
positions of leadership in
our nation and the world."

In the last communication of
May 9, President Shannon urged
that the Council talk to the University
Union, the Student Council,
and to the Dean's office, since
"any resulting proposals should
come to me through their recommendations."

The correspondence is available
for the public at the offices
of the Student Council and the
Information Service in the Rotunda;
students or faculty members
may read the letters at those