University of Virginia Library


Student reaction to the new
policy was widespread and diverse.
A group of students from
the Southern Student Organizing
Committee assembled on the Rotunda
steps to demonstrate in favor
of the co-education policy,
free love, peace in Vietnam, civil
rights, and better food in Newcomb

This group was almost immediately
joined by a contingent
from the Patrick Henry Society
protesting co-education and student
demonstrations. There was
no violence, although a photographer
from the Daily Progress
brought along a dozen eggs and
tried to get some of the students
to throw them.

A quick canvass of key students
conducted by The Cavalier
Daily revealed clearly that while
there was a great deal of dissatisfaction
with the policy, there
was also a great deal of satisfaction,
countered by a great deal
of apathy.


Dean Of Women Mary Whitney

Arm-Wrestling Acumen Clinched Admittance Of Women