University of Virginia Library

Saunier Issues Statement

Upon being contacted concerning
his communications with
the Charlottesville Council on
Human Relations. Mr. Saunier
issued the following statement:
"The fact that the Federal Joint
Reporting Committee that represents
all federal agencies regularly
finds that the University is
non-discriminatory is comforting
at the moment, but certainly not
the end of the matter.

"The University is continually
working to assure that its longstanding
policy of non-discrimination
is carried out, and is very
appreciative of information supplied
by responsible individuals
and committees as to new opportunities
for progress and for correction
of over-sights.

"We have found the Human
Relations Council representative
very helpful. In addition to directing
the University's attention
to some things that needed correction
or clarification, they have
also been willing to perform the
valuable function of advising
their sources of information on
those occasions when allegations
against the University proved incorrect,
thus preventing embarrassment
to their sources.

"This two-way street is vital
to keeping communication lines
open in this sensitive area."