University of Virginia Library

Council Suspension

(The Student Council last week
suspended its rule prohibiting recognized
organizations from patronizing
establishments that refused
service to Negroes and in
Tuesday night's meeting deferred
action on adopting a new rule.)

The Negro students presented
the administration with a "policy
paper" that included a seven-point
program asking the University:

1. To deny recognition of and
use of University facilities and
funds by student organizations
using segregated facilities.

2. To inform the Student
Council of its official policy on
the matter "in view of the Council's
recent suspension of the rule
. . ."

3. To "make more sincere efforts
at recruitment of prospective
black students." The students
said the low percentage of Negroes
at the University "indicates
the absence of any aggressive recruitment
policy. . ." (There are
an estimated 71 Negroes now
attending the University out of
an enrollment of 8,332.)