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Fourteen Reasons.

A FEW reasons why Albemarle County, Va., should be
the choice of the immigrant.

First. Its unequalled climate, neither too warm nor
too cold. Further South ice cannot be gathered for use
during warm weather: further North the feeding season is too
long. Southern suns are too hot for the greatest diversity of
crops; Northern, too cold.

Second. It is a section with a minimum of fatal diseases. It
is a well-known fact that English Life Insurance Companies
require no additional premium from their patrons on their removal
to this locality.

Third. It is central, near the sea coast with great and increasing
facilities for transportation, North and South.

Fourth. Lands are cheap.

Fifth. It is a section with the greatest capabilities of self-support,
having minerals, timber, materials for fabrics and
with unexcelled water power for factories.

Sixth. It has great diversity of soils, thus allowing the farmer
to engage in almost any branch of agriculture.

Seventh. Its soil is deep and susceptible of a high state of
cultivation answering quickly to manures.

Eighth. It is well watered with natural springs.

Ninth. It has a variety of valuable mineral waters.

Tenth. It is well timbered. There are but few farms which
do not produce sufficient timber to supply fires, fences and

Eleventh. Public schools in every community protected by
the Constitution of the State.

Twelfth. Its advanced schools and University are of such a
degree of excellence as to be patronized by all parts of the

Thirteenth. The Miller Manual-Labor School maintains and
educates the orphaned children of citizens of the county.

Fourteenth. Its taxes are less than one per cent. per annum.

W. Gordon Merrick.