University of Virginia Library



Mr. Edwin Meade, Speaker, Mr. Hunter Faulconer and Mr. Nicholas Wilson, appeared
before the Board representing the Alumni Association. Mr. Meade made the following statement.

Upon receipt of the communication from the Board and consideration of the reports by
the Board of Managers, Mr. Faulconer wrote a letter to each Alumni Chapter, advising them that
the Board of Managers was opposed to the recommendations of the Faculty Senate Report and the
ACE Report, but endorsed the report of the Athletic Committee of the Board of Visitors, with
the-exception of representation on the control body.

Mr. Faulconer requested the various chapters for an expression of opinion but only a
few have been received - all endorsing the stand of the Board of Managers.

Alumni are anxious to contribute toward athletic scholarships and we see no reason
why we should not give such scholarships if they are properly controlled. You can not eliminate
these scholarships without eliminating football at the University.

Report of The University Senate.

The Board of Managers is opposed to its plan of organization. With the faculty having
a majority vote you would have a packed court. Our program provides for tuition, room, board,
and books. Nothing more. We are opposed to the statement in the Faculty Report that athletic
scholarships should not exceed the amount given non-athletes. We do not believe we can operate
under ACE regulations, but we could under those of the NCAA.

We should like to propose the following plan

The Board of Managers of the University of Virginia Alumni Association, hereinafter
referred to as the "Managers", submits to The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
hereinafter referred to as the "Board", the following proposal for the establishment of grants-in-aid
to undergraduate students at the University of Virginia

1. Grants to be available only to regularly matriculated students in good standing
and to prospective students, but conditioned as to the latter upon their meeting established
entrance requirements.

2. The Managers may, from time to time, fix the number and amount of individual
grants upon deposit with the Bursar of the University of sufficient funds therefor, provided
that in no case shall the amount of a grant exceed University fees and reasonable costs of
board, room, laundry, and books, all as determined by the Board.

3. The Bursar shall apply all grants to students to the amounts payable by them to
the University, and shall pay the balance of such grants to them in nine (9) equal payments
throughout the academic year, provided they maintain their required academic standing. If a
student to whom a grant has been awarded is placed on probation or is dismissed from the
University, the payments under his grant shall be immediately discontinued.

4. The Managers shall have the right to nominate present and prospective students
considered eligible for a grant. If a nominee does not meet established academic or entrance
requirements, the Managers shall nominate others who can meet such requirements. No award out
of funds or securities provided under this proposal shall be made to a person not nominated by
the Managers.

5. The award of a grant under this proposal shall be in the form of a letter written
to the nominee by the Bursar informing him that upon his application, approved by the Managers,
and his compliance with academic and entrance requirements, he is entitled to a grant in the
amount designated, payable in the manner and upon the conditions of this proposal, and his

Dated at Charlottesville, Virginia, this 8th day of January, 1953.

By Hunter Faulconer
Mr. Gay:

Is there anything in your plan which commits a man not to accept any other


No, but we can put in such a requirement.

Mr. Mears:

Wouldn't giving the Foundation representation be a duplication?


Yes, but the Foundation desires the prestige which would be attached to such

Judge Smith:

If the control body contains three representatives from each group, it
could be specified that one of the alumni representatives must also be a trustee of the Student
Aid Foundation. Wouldn't this be possible?



Mr. Gay:

Why couldn't the Alumni Association select one of its own representatives
from the Student Aid Foundation trustees? If this were done, the proposal of the Athletic
Committee of the Board could be followed.

Mr. Gravatt:

What are the outstanding differences between your plan and that of the



The NCAA specifies that awards must be made by the regular constituted
scholarship committee of the institution.

Mr. Black:

The NCAA requires consideration of economic need. Would that cause


No, we consider need in making awards.

The Rector thanked the representatives of the Alumni Association, whereupon they
left the meeting.