University of Virginia Library


W. Allan Perkins appeared before the Board, not in his capacity as Attorney for the University,
but on behalf of himself and George Pausch of Baltimore, Maryland as Co-Executors under the will
of the late William J. Rucker and Co-Trustees under said Rucker's Trust instrument of April 19, 1939.

Mr. Perkins stated that the administration of this estate has now reached a point where distribution
of the greater part thereof, now remaining in the hands of the Executors and Trustees, can
be made.

The estate now in the hands of these Executors and Trustees is made up as follows:

Absolute Estate - Held by Executors 
Value of Securities as of November 24, 1947  $ 925,848.28 
Cash in banks  152,673.40 
Trust Estate - Held by Trustees 
U.S. Treasury 7/8% Certificates Series F.
Due July 1, 1947 (Value as of Nov. 24, 1947) 
$ 175,610.83 
Cash in banks  20,548.21 
TOTAL IN TRUST ESTATE  $ 196,159.04 
GRAND TOTAL  $1,274,680.72 

And the Executors and Trustees now propose to make distribution thereof among the three
Beneficiaries under Mr. Rucker's will and Trust agreement as follows:



To St. Lukes Hospital of St. Louis 
Securities from Absolute Estate  $273,159.39 
$55,000.00 U.S. Treas. 7/8% Certificates
from Trust 
Cash from Absolute Estate  41,840.61 
Cash from Trust  6,849.40 
TOTAL  $377,041.38 
To Martha Jefferson Hospital 
Securities from Absolute Estate  $273,158.76 
$55,000.00 U.S. Treas. 7/8% Certificates
from Trust 
Cash from Absolute Estate  41,841.24 
Cash from Trust  6,849.40 
TOTAL  $377,041.38 
University of Virginia for Hospital 
Securities from Absolute Estate  $273,160.14 
$55,000.00 U.S. Treas. 7/8% Certificates
from Trust 
Cash from Absolute Estate  41,839.86 
Cash in Trust  6,849.41 
TOTAL  $377,041.38 

This distribution will leave approximately $140,000.00 in hands of the Executors and Trustees
from which will be paid balances of Attorney fees, Commissions, Taxes, costs, etc., the exact amount of
which cannot be accurately determined at this time.

Statements showing the exact plan of this proposed distribution in detail were submitted with
this report and Mr. Perkins asked that a resolution be adopted approving said plan and authorizing a
representative of this Board to sign written statements by which the University agrees thereto.

Mr. Thomas B. Gay then stated that he had examined this statement above referred to and had
discussed this plan of distribution in all of its phases with Mr. Perkins, and he thereupon offered the
following resolution:

RESOLVED, That a copy of the plan of distribution of portions of the absolute estate and of the
trust estate of the late William J. Rucker now held by W. Allan Perkins and George Pausch as Executors and
as Trustees, which plan was submitted to this meeting by said W. Allan Perkins, be filed in the Bursar's
Office, that said plan of distribution is hereby approved, and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., Rector, is hereby
authorized and directed in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, to execute the certificates which are written at the end of each statement and each of which
reads as follows:- "The foregoing plan of distribution is hereby approved as of December 8, 1947."

This resolution being seconded by Judge A. D. Barksdale was unanimously adopted.

A proposal by Mrs. Wailes to segregate principal and income of the Rucker gift described in the
above resolution to the Rucker Crippled Children's Home was tabled pending further study of the matter.